Explanations and Corrections Published -v2 of the archive 1. Explanations in the section "The server" / "Serveren": The previous sentence was: "Hvis en identisk fil blir funnet, skal serveren legge en streng som f?lgende til filen [...]" The clarified version is: EN: "append a string like the following to the file for printing matches" NO: "skal serveren legge en streng som f?lgende til utskriftsfilen for treffˇ± The payload contains the field "(int) unique number". The clarified version adds: EN: ˇ°(this is a unique number of your choice that is intended for debugging, not a copy of the sequence number)ˇ± NO: "(dette er et unikt tall dere velger selv ment for debugging, ikke en kopi av sekvensnummeret)ˇ± The previous version said "pass the payload" / "pass nyttelasten". We clarify: EN: "... and pass the payload to the application layer for processing." NO: "... og send nyttelasten videre til applikasjonslaget for behandling." 2. Translation of something that shouldn't have been translated in Nettverk bullet (g): NO: of course not "tett forbindelse" men "close connection" 5. Forgotten name change in readpgm.c: Oppdated the function name from readPGMfile to Image_create