
Publisert 17. nov. 2022 19:10

Previous exams: 

- PDF 1

- PDF 2

- PDF 3

Publisert 15. nov. 2022 21:43

aaand next week we'll have the final one ?

?**REPETITION SESSION** by Suhas Govind Joshi

Hi everyone, there will be a third repetition session on Monday 21.11.2022.

Again, this is a great opportunity to refresh and practice various contents before the exam ...

Publisert 10. nov. 2022 09:50

Hi everyone, there will be a second repetition session on Monday 14.11.2022.

Again, this is a great opportunity to refresh and practice various contents before the exam ??.


Here are the details (same as last time):

- whiteboard session

- in Norwegian

- there will be no recording

- the session will not cover any new content

- the focus of the repetition session will primarily on quantitative research methods (...

Publisert 21. sep. 2022 11:59

Hei! Oblig 2 er n? publisert og ligger i mappen "Obligatoriske oppgaver". Lykke til! Ta kontakt med gruppel?rer, meg eller Jasmin hvis det er noen sp?rsm?l! :) 


- Vetle 

Publisert 19. sep. 2022 23:47

Unfortunately, I’ll have to cancel our lecture tomorrow. I had travel problems, and I’ll not make it to Oslo in time to give the lecture in person.

As an alternative, I’ll upload a recording tomorrow (Tuesday 20.09.) evening.

In other news, assignment 2 will be uploaded tomorrow, and you can, of course, send me your questions either via email ( or Teams.

I’m really sorry for this situation, and I’m looking forward to seeing you in person again next week.

Publisert 13. sep. 2022 10:02

Hello everyone,

Announcement regarding the first assignment:

I originally meant to have no specified word limit, but since some of you asked for it, we decided to add one to support you in your writing process. 

Our recommendation is 300-500 words for the complete assignment. You can use this number of words as a point of orientation. If you write significantly more or less, it doesn't mean you will fail. 
However, we will check if everything is explained clearly and correctly.

Best, Jasmin

Publisert 7. sep. 2022 09:48

Hei, alle sammen! :)

N? er oblig 1 publisert og ligger ute tilgjengelig p? emnesiden. Beklager for at den ble publisert en dag forsinket, det skjedde en misforst?else!

Det ligger en mappe i venstremenyen som heter "Obligatoriske oppgaver". Hvis dere ikke finner den, s? gi meg beskjed.

Oppgavene er skrevet p? engelsk av Jasmin, men hvis noen vil ha de p? norsk s? gi meg beskjed s? ordner vi det.

Hvis det er noe uklart i obligteksten, s? er det ogs? bare ? sp?rre en av gruppel?rerne eller Jasmin/meg.

Fristen for innlevering er 19.09 klokken 23:59.

Dere er gode! :) Lykke til!


Publisert 23. aug. 2022 20:08

Hi everyone,

The group sessions of this course will not start this week. 
Instead, the first group sessions of this course will be on the following dates: 31.08., 01.09., 02.09., 05.09.

Have a lovely week!

Publisert 17. aug. 2022 11:59
Vi inviterer alle studenter p? IN2020 til ? komme p? bli kjent-m?te p? mandag den 22de klokken 14.15 p? seminarrom Shell. Undervisning i faget starter f?rst p? tirsdag den 23de, men vi vil gjerne h?re hva dere tror og tenker om faget, forventninger og bekymringer. Kom og m?t oss for en myk, uformell start p? faget. Vi planlegger litt servering, men f?r se om vi rekker ? bake kake. Det er helt frivillig ? komme, og det blir ikke notert oppm?te.  
Publisert 14. aug. 2022 17:14

We look forward to meeting you all at the first lecture on Tuesday, 23 August, 12:15 pm - 2 pm

The course will be based on the book Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction by Jonathan Lazar, Jinjuan Feng, and Harry Hochheiser.

Teaching will take place in person at the university unless announced otherwise. Recordings from parts of the lectures will be made available, but no recordings will be made of exe...