Lecture 13 - Creating a whole study / Wrap-up

Pensum ;) : All chapters from before, additional literature, assignment work of your own, etc.

Lecture 13 Slides

Module 1 (Intro w/ exam format, "Hang assignments together" exercise and recall assignm.1)

Module 2 (recall assignm. 2)

Module 3 (recall assignm. 3+4, repetition of experiment design / statistical analysis examples)

Module 4 (recall assignm. 3+4, another experiment design / stat. analysis example, distinguishing 'variables', 'levels' and 'conditions'; recall "Method choosing" exercise as could-be assignm. 5)

Module 5 (A whole research study)

Module 6 (some "extras" on comparing Usability Testing vs. "classical research", on writing argumentative texts >> last seminars, and last session w/ Q&A)