Lecture 12 - Qualitative Data Analysis
Pensum: Ch. 5 Surveys from 5.12, ch. 6 Diaries from 6.7, ch. 8 Interviews and Focus Groups from 8.10, ch. 7 Case Studies from 7.9 (so the analysis parts left out so far), main reading: ch. 11 Analyzing qualitative data
Supplementary literature used in the lecture:
The Imbrication of Technologies and Work Practices: The Case of Google Glass in Danish Agriculture
(Used to be) available for download at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/sjis/vol30/iss1/1/, you might use this direct link (for use in this class only!)
Recommended to read: chapters/paragraphs about the study in general, the data collection methods (p.13-15, especially what kind of data the researchers had gathered), and the data analysis (p. 15-16 coding categories, theoretical concepts)
For this lecture I place you in the lecture together with the students from 1 year before. The two halfs of recorded slide-show and talk are afterprocessed to provide you also with what has been drawn on whiteboard then (> as video overlay) or has been asked by students (>by subtitles). Please, participate in doing the small tasks, like searching for information in the literature (there are some minutes of silence/background noise for that, feel free to pause the video if you need more time).
Maybe in the break you would like to help out "studiebarometeret" (remember that as an example of a survey?): Hvorfor svare p? Studiebarometeret >> http://studiebarometeret.no
Congratulations for having followed all 12 thematic lectures in the course now. The 13th lecture will be about "hanging everything together", thus we will repeat all the things we have gone through and prepare for the exam, which I think you will master very well!