Lecture 4 - Usability Testing

Welcome to lecture week 4. This time the lecture is a remix of last year's recorded live lecture, with some small additions or adaptations.

Pensum: ? Chapter 10 Usability testing
(connects to ch.s Measuring the human & Automated data collection)
? User-based testing
? Expert-based testing & Automated Testing (Usability inspection)
?What types of usability testing (Usability engineering)
? What usability is
? Goal of UT  Finding Flaws, exercise, to àn exhibition of interface flaws:
*Sorry that this padlet was not editable, should work now! Please, contribute to the mini-exhibition.
? Goal of UT  Finding Flaws exercise: first example on the exhibition padlet wall;  assignment 2, part 2; technology probe example
Paper recommendation:

“Usability inspection methods after 15 years of research and practice” (2007):



Publisert 10. sep. 2020 10:18 - Sist endret 16. sep. 2020 04:51