Supplementary literature for lecture topic 'Qualitative Data Analysis'

In the upcoming, last topical lecture on Thursday, there is supplementary literature used, we want you to partially read:

The Imbrication of Technologies and Work Practices: The Case of Google Glass in Danish Agriculture

(Usually) available for download at:

But you might use this direct link (for use in this class only!).

We recommend to read/skim this paper for chapters/paragraphs about the study in general, the data collection methods (what kind of data the researchers had gathered), and the data analysis (coding categories, theoretical concepts).

Please, also refer to the 'timeplan' and the lecture 12 page for to find the whole pensum for the upcoming lecture and seminar week.

Publisert 2. nov. 2020 12:44 - Sist endret 3. nov. 2020 12:18