An autumn semester with digital and physical teaching...

Dear students in IN2020,

This autumn semester we are approaching a time still influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to prepare for every possible form of participation, we - that is me as course responsible, together with a few guest lecturers and five group teachers - have set up the course as 'hybrid' with both online/remote work and physical (small group meetings) elements. As immediate feedback will be missing, when we do not meet face-to-face so much, we will all have to be quick and forgiving with asking questions, resolving misunderstandings etc. via the virtual tools we use and the few opportunities to meet at least in small groups.

Lectures – run virtually/are published on the course pages at the supposed lecture time every Thursday. Most lectures come pre-recorded, that means they are available also afterwards for self-paced listening and learning. Guest lecturers are free to choose not being recorded, that means such (a few) lectures go ‘live’ on a Zoom-meeting with all of you students. Zoom meetings we are not allowed to record according to the study administration, so make sure you can attend those (they will be marked/highlighted as “live”) at the given times.

Seminars – run in person (4 groups) and one online. Please choose to meet one or the other seminar teacher and your fellows in person as long as you are healthy, in town and available at any of each week’s timeslots (you are free to choose between seminar teachers). Rooms are big enough to keep distance, and we think discussions work so much better if you really meet each other. The online seminar is only an option to keep track in case you are sick sometime, or unavailable over long time. We will have to make sure the one online seminar is not overrun!

Assignments – are to be done as homework and in seminars during those weeks before each assignment’s deadline. There, with the seminar teachers, is the time and place to ask most questions concerning the assignments. Reoccurring questions will be forwarded to the course responsible, and professors if needed. Questions regarding only yourself can be raised via e-mail, consider also asking the study administration directly if it is within their area of responsibility.

Exam – needs your physical presence. The 4-hour digital exam will take place at Silurveien, 23.11.2020, 15:00. There shall be enough space to keep distance from each other.

Publisert 10. aug. 2020 11:46 - Sist endret 10. aug. 2020 11:46