
Publisert 20. nov. 2019 12:34

In the hope of less confusion, another explanation of the terms variable, value/level, condition and treatment:


A first independent variable X, can take certain values (verdier?), also called levels (niv?er?): X1, X2, X3, ...

A second independent variable Y, can take certain values (verdier?), also called levels (niv?er?): Y1, Y2, Y3, ...

(for 'levels' see book, p. 56)


The sum of values or levels (here: 3+3) does not interest anyone (other than when you do two basic design studies after each other, one for each independent variable). But the PRODUCT of each number of levels does interest, namely in a FACTORial design, so 3 times 3 possible conditions (villk?r?) arise, which participants of an experiment can experience/go through in different ways. A ' condition' is - in a basic design - the same as a value/level of the one IV, but particularly in a factorial design a conditi...

Publisert 13. nov. 2019 13:05

Next week we dedicate to exam PREParation: So there will be a very mixed, yet summarizing and comparative lecture on Monday. And on Tuesday your group teachers plan an exam prep seminar over all Tuesday afternoon (12:15-16:00, room SHELL) with quiz and some socializing, with hot chocolate for the joy of learning :)

Publisert 10. nov. 2019 21:12

Supplementary literature used in the lecture:

The Imbrication of Technologies and Work Practices: The Case of Google Glass in Danish Agriculture

Available for download at:

Recommended to read: chapters/paragraphs about the study in general, the data collection methods, what kind of data the researchers had gathered, and the data analysis (coding categories, theoretical concepts)

Publisert 6. nov. 2019 10:49

We are approaching the finals of the course quite fast, I hope everyone is working on assignment 4 to be delivered by Sunday night :)

We are sorry for the confusion on techniques/methods, let's stick to the qual. data collection methods being diaries, observations, surveys, interviews, and focus groups!


Course wrap-up is scheduled for the 18.11. (lecture) and 19.11. (with all your group teachers and some games/socializing).

Publisert 1. nov. 2019 14:07
Repetition session with Joshi, Tuesday 05.11.19, in room Logo from 14-16OJDSeminarrom Logo

S. G. Joshi

Qualitative research methods, ch. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Publisert 21. okt. 2019 13:14

Here are the two exam sets from last year's edition of the course:

Trial exam 2018

Exam 2018


Publisert 21. okt. 2019 10:20

Dear all,

we will again "borrow" the two parallel Tuesdays seminar sessions for a repitition session given by Joshi! We hope most of you find the time to attend. Topic is "Statistical Analysis" this time, room Shell, time 12-14. The two other seminar groups meet as usual, and other groups' students are welcome to join.

Publisert 10. okt. 2019 12:44

Dear all,

next week we will "borrow" the two parallel Tuesdays seminar sessions for a repitition session given by Joshi! We hope most of you find the time to attend. The two other seminar groups meet as usual, and other groups' students are welcome to join.


It takes place in room Shell from 12-14.

Publisert 9. okt. 2019 15:54

For those of you who want to understand the scope of “Sustainability” and how it is related to HCI, I would recommend this book chapter (for your further reading, not part of the curriculum ;)

Have a look at "Sustainable HCI" and see "ICT as part of the problem" for our purpose (though it can also be part of the solution of course).

Hilty and Aebischer - 2015 - ICT for Sustainability An Emerging Research Field

Publisert 2. okt. 2019 19:45

Dear students,

assignment 3 is now ready, created for you to tackle an individual research topic by designing an experiment and conducting statistical analysis. You have 3 and a half weeks time, you have heared about independent/dependent variable and hypothesis already and you can use the following 3 lectures and seminars for to get your questions answered.

Lykke til!

Publisert 12. sep. 2019 10:49

Dear students,

The second assignment has changed (reformulated and different part 2) in comparison to what was published on Monday. Please find the updated assignment text under "Assignments". Only should you have downloaded on Monday or Tuesday, you are supposed to download again and replace.

Sorry for the inconvenience, this might have caused.

Publisert 27. aug. 2019 09:16

Dear students,


for to give you a headstart - if you wish -, please find the first assignment published on the course website ("Assignments" in left column). For the first lecture there is also linked supplementary literature, you can bring one of the two papers (either in print, or bring your laptop) for reading/a little exercise then.

Publisert 26. aug. 2019 10:26

Siden f?rste forelesning blir 2. september er det heller ingen gruppeundervisning denne uken.

Publisert 21. aug. 2019 09:17

Due to unexpected external circumstances, the start of the course must be postponed to the 02.09. and you will not meet Prof. Maja van der Velden for that, but PhD-candidate Ines Junge. If you experience any course collisions, please drop an e-mail to and we will take it up with the study administration.

The course calendar will be updated, check if you get a calendar notification, if you subscribed to the course events :)

Publisert 19. aug. 2019 09:00

F?rste forelesing i IN2020 blir mandag 26. august. Pensumboka er Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction
(2nd Edition) av Lazar, Feng & Hochheiser (2017).

Publisert 21. mai 2019 15:47

Tidspunkt for undervisning kan bli endret.