
Publisert 23. sep. 2024 20:45

The mandatory exercise on databases and SQL is now published here. The deadline is 14. October. The topic of the mandatory is relational databases and SQL. We will cover the SQL-language on the lecture this week.

Good luck, and feel free to ask if anything is unclear! :)

-- Leif Harald

Publisert 16. sep. 2024 08:23

I am traveling, and today's seminar will be digital. We will focus on loops and reading data from files using Python. You will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding the mandatory assignment, as well as doing exercises related to last week's lecture.

The usual seminar room is reserved for students on DIGHEL4360, and I encourage you to meet and collaborate. See the Zoom link in the course schedule for an invitation to the digital meeting.

Publisert 2. sep. 2024 07:05

As mentioned in last week's lecture I am traveling, and the teaching this week will be digital. The exercises and a link to a Zoom meeting for today's seminar has been added to the "Timeplan" on the course page. If you are asked for a password by Zoom, it will be "dighel" without quotes.

I encourage you all to meet at the seminar room Limbo in Ole-Johan Dahls hus, which is reserved for you. Programming is best learned through discussion and collaboration, so you should work together on the exercises.

Furthermore, the mandatory assignment on programming will be presented during today's seminar. If you want a sneak peek, you can find the assignment and related files here.

See you all online!
- Henrik

Publisert 18. aug. 2024 20:39

Hi, I have uploaded to recommended readings for the introductory lecture on Wednesday, where I will also go through the course logistics, learning objectives, and expectations. You will find links to the readings from the schedule. You may have to log on to access the readings. See you all on Wednesday 12:15 in Lille Auditorium, Kristen Nygaards hus.