Exam info

I have just been informed by the study administration that exams scheduled for April shall be held as oral exams, using zoom. This, then, also applies to the BIOS 5210/9210 exams. Furthermore, it is left for the responsible person for each course to decide about the form of evaluation, by the A-F scale or pass/fail. As the examination typically makes use of figures, graphs etc., which may be difficult by zoom, I have decided that both courses, also the BIOS 5210, will be evaluated as pass/fail. You can find the timetable at Canvas.


I also intend to arrange the 'sp?rretime' as scheduled, April 17th, by zoom. I'll invite you all, using the e-mail addresses below. If some of you prefer a different e-mail address to be used or have questions or something, send me an e-mail at rune.halvorsen@nhm.uio.no.


Best wishes,



Publisert 3. apr. 2020 16:14 - Sist endret 3. apr. 2020 16:14