Exam info

Dear all

All of you have been notified that UiO has made changes to the exams this semester because of the COVID-19 situation.

  • Both the essay and the final exam will be graded using Pass/Fail. You will receive more information on what constitutes a pass and how this relates to the original grading system once this is available.
  • In order to pass the course, you need to pass both the essay and the final exam.
  • The hand-in date for the final essay remains unchanged (22nd of May 2020) and the essay will be submitted through Inspera.
  • The final exam will be in the form of an online home exam (also using Inspera). The questions will become available on the date the original exam was to take place (4th of June 2020 at 14:30) and the deadline to submit your answers will be 7 days later. You will get more information about the format of the questions closer to the time, but you should already count on the total amount of work being approximately two days.

I hope this answers some of your most immediate questions. We will update you as more information becomes available, and if you have very urgent concerns then just get in touch.

Take care everyone,



Publisert 3. apr. 2020 16:43 - Sist endret 3. apr. 2020 16:43