Syllabus/achievement requirements

Vi bruker ingen l?rebok i MBV4020. Det er utdelte hefter, forelesningsnotatene, labhefter og oppgaver som er pensum, men hvis noen ?nsker en l?rebok i tillegg, s? vil vi anbefale:

Frivillig bok:

David Sheehan: Physical Biochemistry, Principles and Applications, 2009.

We do not use a syllabus book in MBV4020. It will be handed out some booklets, lecture notes, lab instructions and exercises which will be the syllabus, but if someone want a book in addition, we can recommend:

Optional book:

David Sheehan: Physical Biochemistry, Principles and Applications, 2009.

ISBN10: 0470856033
ISBN13: 9780470856031

Publisert 11. juni 2019 13:02 - Sist endret 14. aug. 2019 10:02