Undervisningsplan BIOS1100 H17

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Uke Kur?suke Kap?ittel Biologi Programmering Matte/statistikk
34 1 1 Heart rate, modelling average temperature Jupyter Notebook, variables, numbers, import, using functions Farenheit to celsius, logarithms - simple
35 2 2 Fission, bacterial growth phases, effect of temperature on bacterial growth Plotting, Lists, Reading data from files Logarithmic plots, exponential growth, growth rate, logarithms
36 3 3 (Man-tir program seminar) Modeling unlimited bacterial population growth Numpy arryas, For loops; Decorating plots Modeling exponential/logistic growth, lag and death phase, solving a first order difference equation
37 4 4 Models for limited bacterial population growth Numpy arryas, For loops; Decorating plots Modeling exponential/logistic growth, lag and death phase, solving a first order difference equation
38 5 5 Examine the effect of variable winter survival rates on plant growth Saving numpy arrays to file Model growth annual plants, solving a second order difference equation
39 6 5 Examine the effect of variable winter survival rates on plant growth Saving numpy arrays to file Model growth annual plants, solving a second order difference equation
40 7 6 Mendelian genetics, Punnett squares Boolean statements, if tests, random numbers in Python, building functions Probability
41 8 6 Midtveiseksamen i andre fag, undervisningfri ------------------- -------------------
42 9 8 Restriction cutting; plasmids; electrophorosis modulo, string slicing, importing code
43 10 7 DNA, sequencing, GC content Strings, Dictionaries, Randomness
44 11 7 Transcription While loops
45 12 8 Mutations, Sickle-cell anemia importing own code, reading from file; tuples; unpacking; zip
46 13 9 Spatial models for epidemics 2D/animerte plots; scripts, making python models
47 14 9 Spatial models for epidemics siste uke ordin?r undervisning 2D/animerte plots; scripts, making python models
48 15
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50 17 Eksamen 12. desember