Errata, korrigeringer etc

Uke 11

Instead, use an if-test to only print the number of the first square where the amount of rice is more than one kilogram

Uke 10

There were 4 positive values and 3 negative values and 2 zeros

Uke 9

Now imagine performing a restriction digestion of a short circular piece of DNA AACCGGAATTCCGGTTAACCGGTT with three cut sites CG where the enzyme cuts between the C and the G. The resulting fragments will be (check this!):


fragments = {"plasmid": fragments_plasmid,
             "with_insert_1": fragments_insert_1,
             "with_insert_2": fragments_insert_2}

Uke 6

Collect all the code necessary in one codecell and use it to run the python, recreating figure 5.3

Riktig figur er den p? side 161:

Collect all the code necessary in one codecell and use it to run the python, recreating the figure on page 161 in the book.

Compare the number of lines of python code inside the for-loop in both models. Use a markdown cell for your answer with an unordered list like this:

  • The original for-loop ...
  • The for-loop of the python implementation ...

En bedre formulering er

  • The original for-loop ...
  • The for-loop of the python implementation of the difference equation ...

Have the subplots appear next to each other, but below each other.

Should have been

Have the subplots appear next to each other, not below each other

print("In month", n + 1, "there are", int(rabbit_pairs[n]), "rabbit pairs.")

Print out the number of rabbit pairs between month 3 and 5 (including) by slicing the list (not by using a for-loop).

Korrekt er "slicing the array"

Uke 4

Uke 3

Uke 2

0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 meter.

d) Pretend you do not know what the index number of the value 64 is. Use the appropriate code for finding it, and print it to the screen.

Uke 1

Use your program to calculate the volume of the average bacterial cell.