Semesterside for GEG2130 - H?st 2011

The GEG2130 examination will be oral and take place on 12 and 13 December 2011. The examination will be individual and consist of 1) an oral discussion of excursion and field reports, followed by 2) an oral examination in the reading list. Please see the english lecture plan for further details.

19. okt. 2011 10:33

Lectures and additional reading will be published here. You log on with your UiO username and password. KSL

13. okt. 2011 15:09

As Karianne already have given lectures on how to structure written reports, there will be no GEG2130 lectures on Wednesday 12 October. However, the lectures on 13 October will go as planned.

7. okt. 2011 11:41