Wellcome to learn about weather and climate predictability in GEF9220!
First Lecture (compulsory!): Tuesday 19th January. Compulsory.
Lectures will be given Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 10:15-12.
On average there will be 4 hours lectures per week. Some weeks will have 6 hours, and others 4, 2 or none.
Please note that, although the intention is to follow the schedule presented in the web-page, it may be changed during the semester. Changes and extensions to the schedule will be presented in due time.
A compulsory home exercise - to be answered in writing - is preliminary scheduled for March 16-18. This must be approved in order to be allowed to take the final oral exam.
The final Oral Exam is scheduled for June 2nd or 3rd 2015. PhD-students need to demonstrate an in-depth understanding to be approved with a Passed mark, and the exam will approximately take 20 minutes longer than for a Master student.
Trond Iversen