Wellcome to learn about weather and climate predictability in GEF4220!

Lectures will be held in Glasshallen 2, Ciens, 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken.

First Lecture is mandatory:
Thursday 18th January, 10:15 - 12:00
If you have strong reasons for not attending this lecture,
you must receive a permission before the lecture.

Lectures will be given
-- Tuesdays, 10:15-12,
-- Wednesdays, 10:15-12,
-- Thursdays, 10:15-12.

On average there will be 4 hours lectures per week.
Some weeks will have 6 hours, and others 4, 2 or none.

Note that the timing of and the intended content in each lecture
will be given in the schedule presented in the web-page.
Notice that this schedule may be changed during the semester.
Changes to the schedule will be presented in due time.

A compulsory home exercise - to be answered in writing - will be scheduled in March. Preliminary dates are: March 15-20.
The Home Exercise must be approved in order to be allowed to take the final oral exam.

The final Oral Exam is scheduled for June 1st 2018.

A seminar for questions is scheduled at May 24th.

Trond Iversen

Published Nov. 20, 2017 1:23 PM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2017 1:23 PM