Wellcome to learn about weather and climate predictability in GEF4220!

Lectures will be held in Glasshallen 2, Ciens, 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken.

First Lecture is mandatory:
Wednesday 18th January, 10:15 - 12:00
If you have strong reasons for not attending this lecture,
you must receive a permission before the lecture.

Lectures will be given
-- Tuesdays, 13:15-15,
-- Wednesdays, 10:15-12,
-- Thursdays, 13:15-15.

On average there will be 4 hours lectures per week.
Some weeks will have 6 hours, and others 4, 2 or none.

Note that the timing of and the intended content in each lecture
will be given in the schedule presented in the web-page.
Notice that this schedule may be changed during the semester.
Changes to the schedule will be presented in due time.

A compulsory home exercise - to be answered in writing - will be scheduled some time in March.
This must be approved in order to be allowed to take the final oral exam.

The final Oral Exam is scheduled for June 1st (or 2nd, depending on the number of examinands) 2017.

Trond Iversen

Published Nov. 3, 2016 12:01 AM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2017 10:05 PM