CTD data from the cruise
The CTD data are in this zip file. The stations were taken in this order: (1) ADCP1, (2) Malm?ykalven, (3) Bekkelagsbassenget, (4) ADCP2, (5) Lysakerfjorden.
Beware about some inconsistencies in the naming here(!), the station names appears to have been entered incorrectly in the system. To connect the file names to the actual stations, I believe you have to use (file name) "Malmoykalven" = (actual station) Oksvaldsflua, "Bekkelagsbassenget" = Malm?ykalven, "Lysakerfjorden" = Geitholmen. Check time stamps and positions from your log files.
Each file contains a very long header with information, and after that you will find columns with the data. From left to right: depth [m], density [kg/m^3], potential temperature [C], salinity, and a flag that you can ignore that is zero everywhere.
For those of you that use Python, I would suggest using the software found here: https://pypi.org/project/seabird/
The hydrography this year was markedly different from 2016, I'll show a comparison in next class.