Lecture notes

Hi all.

Here's a list of lecture notes that we went through in class, supplementing Vallis' book:

1) PowerPoint on wind-driven flows with topography and stratifiction.

2) Equations on f/H dynamics (to support the above PPT).

3) Notes on layered QG PV dynamics, leading to a discussion on barotropic and baroclinic waves.

4) Notes on the ventilated thermocline (LPS theory).

5) Notes on the energetics of the MOC.

6) Notes on the mixing-driven MOC (incl. Stommel-Arons theory for deep western boundary currents).

7) Notes on the wind-driven MOC (winds along a southern channel, with and without a sill).

8) Notes on the role of baroclinic instability and mesoscale eddies (in the ACC and also the Nordic Seas and Arctic).

Published June 2, 2020 12:06 PM - Last modified June 2, 2020 12:06 PM