Presentations 2020

Hi All --

We'll have the presentations on Zoom on 6-7 May, from 9-12 each day. I'll set up a schedule soon for that. But here are the titles that I have so far. Let me know if yours has changed, and I will modify the list. Looks like an interesting set of talks!


Katarina Andersen – Turbulent pollution transport in cities

Astrid Bragstad Gjelsvik – Turbulence in the atmospheric layer over ice

Jan-Adrian H. Kallmyr – Maximal principles in turbulence

Morten Hemmingsen – Turbulent dispersion in the atmosphere and ocean

Sofie Tunes – Turbulence in a moist atmosphere and the storm tracks

Britta Sch?fer – Turbulence in the upper mesosphere and gravity wave breaking

Astrid Bergland – Upper ocean turbulence – SQG or not?

Eirik Johnsen Gallefoss – Turbulent effects on precipitation in warm clouds

Anna Lina Petruseviciute Sjur – Turbulence over smooth and rough topography

Pipatthra Saesin – Wave enhanced turbulence in the ocean and oil drift

Published Apr. 17, 2020 2:17 PM - Last modified May 4, 2020 11:26 AM