Do the problems in chapter 4, except 4.5-4.7, 4.10, 4.11. You can hand them in December 6 (or earlier, if you want!).
Last lecture will be on November 26.
We found an error in the exam, which gives an extra 2.5 points to nearly all of you. That changes three of the grades. Here are the updated results:
15501 -- B
15502 -- B
15503 -- B
15504 -- C
15505 -- A
15508 -- D
15509 -- B
15512 -- A
15513 -- C
I hear that the grades haven't been posted on the student web. So here they are. Let me know if you would like me to go through any of the questions in class.
15501 -- B
15502 -- B
15503 -- C
15504 -- C
15505 -- B
15508 -- D
15509 -- B
15512 -- A
15513 -- D
I think it's possible to move the class to 13:15 on Thursday. Does that work for everyone? If so I'll change the room booking.
You can do the last half of the exercises now in Chapter 3. Try to hand them in by November 7. If you have problems, let us know!
On Thursday (17/10) we have a special JOS seminar that we can listen to, by Mathew Alford from Scripps. So we can listen to that and then take the second hour in 2414.
Then on Thursday (24/10), there is a masters seminar from 12-16. So we'll cancel class that day.
We may have to schedule another extra class later on, but let's see how we're doing .
On the first page of the exam, you'll get some "possibly useful equations". These are equations 2.11, 3.15 and 3.31. Will they be useful? Maybe!
Hi All ---
The midterm is on Friday, at 15:00 at the UiO building at Silurveien 2. There are no classes this week.
After some back and forth with the admin, we got an hour and a half, so you'll have some extra time. The questions cover the material up to and including section 3.5. We won't get into the boundary layer material. If you have any questions during the exam, they should have my mobile number, so just call.
Good luck!
This week we started with boundary layers (chapter 3.6) and went until the transport in the bottom layer (eq. 3.74). We'll continue with the secondary circulation next week.
Today we will get through Rossby waves and (possibly) group velocities. Hand in the exercises for chapter 2 on Friday (20/9). Then do exercises 3.1-3.7 for Friday (4/10). The midterm is on 11/10, and will cover material through section 3.5. I will also hand out the cheat sheet for the equations beforehand so you can see those.
The chapter 2 exercises should be handed in on 20.09.2024 (digitally or physically in the exercise).
For those of you following remotely, we finished chapter 2 this week and started chapter 3. We got through section 3.2 and will start on 3.3 (geostrophic contours) next week.
We finished Chapter 1 yesterday (and started Chapter 2). The first set of exercises, at the end of the chapter, can be handed in a week from this Friday, 6 September. Laura is away this week but I can do a problem session on Friday morning, if needed!
Hello, and welcome to atmosphere-ocean dynamics! We meet for the first time tomorrow, at 12:15 in Kristin Bonnevies Hus room 2320. If you can't make it, let me know so I can mark you off. We don't use Canvas in this course, so all information and files are put out directly on this webpage. See you tomorrow!
Det er obligatorisk fremm?te p? f?rste forelesning. Dette gjelder ogs? studenter p? venteliste til emnet. Studenter som ikke m?ter, regnes for ? ha trukket seg fra emnet med mindre de p? forh?nd har meldt forfall til Studieadministrasjonen (, og p?meldingen blir slettet uten ytterligere varsel.
Attendance at the first lecture is mandatory. This also applies to students on a waiting list. Students who do not show are considered to have withdrawn from the course unless they have previously given notice to the student administration (, and their registration will be removed without further notice.