Hi to all participants GEO4840/9840 …

Hi to all participants GEO4840/9840 Tectonics spring 2013! The teaching starts as planned on Monday 21. in Aud 2 Geology building. Please observe that it is compulsory to show up for the first lecture. This is particularly important in 2013 because we have a long line of students who want to take this course. If you for some reason cannot participate in the field teaching in week 17 (21-26 April) you will not be able to take this course since the field work is compulsory. There is no textbook for the course so the lectures are particularly important because we use state-of-the-art papers as a background for our teaching. See you Monday 21st January in Auditorium 2 at 12.15. Best regards Torgeir B Andersen

Published Jan. 16, 2013 12:33 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:19 PM