Welcome to this course on Seismic Interpretation
Hi and welcome to the course GEO4240 - Seismic Interpretation,
Course start up will be Wednesday, January 17 at 10.15. Note that your presence is required at the first lecture.
Spring 2018, the university runs a pilot on the implementation for their new Learning Management System (LMS) called CANVAS. This course is part of this pilot. On the semester page you will find a Canvas-button that will bring you to the login page of Canvas. Login with your UiO username and password. On the semester page you also find a link to tips and guidelines for Canvas.
This spring you will encounter courses that use Canvas or Fronter. From autumn 2018, Canvas will be the only LMS at UiO and Fronter will not be used any more. We ask you to be patience during this initial implementation phase of Canvas. It is possible that some functionality doesn't work yet as it should do. UiO is doing its utmost to make Canvas work optimally at the start of the autumn 2018 semester.
If you have questions regarding Canvas, please contact MN-study info.
If you have, please bring with you a laptop during the first lecture, so we can test if Canvas works for all of you. You are of course free to test Canvas already and check the contents. Note, the contents are still limited.
See you on Wednesday!
Michel and Jan Inge