GEO4240 This weeks time plan
Due to many of you having mid-term exam in GEO4250, we have decided to change the time plan a bit for the Seismic Interpretation course.
This week we want you to use for self study, meaning spending time on the Barents Sea exercise and starting to read the article by Cartwright and Huuse.
This means, no lectures this week. For those who are interested getting a bit more familiar with Petrel, I will be available on Thursday afternoon for questions
Next week, we will start on Wednesday by reviewing the Barenst Sea exercise and doing an exercise on making a Wheeler diagram.
On Thursday we will start introducing you to 3D seismic reflection data, including lectures and practical demos and exercises.
Published Feb. 12, 2018 12:20 PM
- Last modified Feb. 12, 2018 12:20 PM