Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
26.01.2011Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00? Seismic method - basic principles and limitations.? Lectures?
02.02.2011Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00? Seismic Interpretation - Structural and stratigraphic interpretation? Lectures?
09.02.2011Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen, U37A, .9.15-12.00? 3D seismic reflection data - introduction? Lectures?
16.02.2011Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00? 3D seismic reflection data - structural and stratigraphic interpretation? Lectures?
02.03.2011Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00? 3D seismic reflection data - reservoir identification and evaluation? Lectures?
02.03.2011Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen, U37A, 13.15-16.00? Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D/3D seismic? Exercises?
09.03.2011Michel Heeremans? Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00? 3D seismic reflection data - horizon and formation attributes; visualization and recent advances in 3D seismic interpretation? Lectures?
09.03.2011Michel Heeremans and Jan Inge Faleide ? Kurssalen, U37A, 13.15-16.00? Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D seismic lines? Exercises?
16.03.2011Michel Heeremans and Jan Inge Faleide ? Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00 & 13.15-16.00? Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D/3D seismic? Exercises?
23.03.2011Michel Heeremans and Jan Inge Faleide? Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00 & 13.15-16.00? Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D/3D seismic? Exercises?
30.03.2011Michel Heeremans and Jan Inge Faleide ? Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00 & 13.15-16.00 ? Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D/3D seismic ? Exercises?
06.04.2011Michel Heeremans and Jan Inge Faleide ? Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15-12.00 & 13.15-16.00? Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D/3D seismic ? Exercises?
08.04.2011Michel Heeremans and Jan Inge Faleide ? Visjonariet, U07, 09.00-16.00? Introduction to Project Work? ?
13.04.2011Michel Heeremans and Jan Inge Faleide ? Kurssalen, U37A, 09.15 -16.00? Seminar? Each student will be given a case study to be presented during this seminar. Papers (in pdf-format) and figures (PowerPoint file) will be handed out at the beginning of the course ?
14.06.201109.00-12.00? WRITTEN? EXAM? ?
Published Jan. 21, 2011 2:26 PM - Last modified Jan. 21, 2011 5:20 PM