
Published Aug. 14, 2020 4:34 PM

Dear student!
The lectures on Monday 17 August and Wednesday 19 August are cancelled.

The first lecture in GEO4190 will be on Friday 21 August in IT-lab 209 (14.15- 16.00). This lecture will be mandatory to attend. 

Those who previously have given notice of absence from the lecture on 17 August will have their notification of absence valid for 21 August. 

Yours sincerely, 

Student administration 
Department of Geosciences

Published June 4, 2020 2:54 PM

Det er obligatorisk fremm?te p? f?rste forelesning. Dette gjelder ogs? studenter som er p? venteliste til emnet. Studenter som ikke m?ter, regnes for ? ha trukket seg fra emnet med mindre de p? forh?nd har meldt forfall til Studieadministrasjonen ( 

Attendance at the first lecture is compulsory. This also applies for students, at waiting list for the course. Students who fail to meet, are considered to have withdrawn from the course unless they have previously given notice to the Student administration (