GEO-DEEP9506 – Special Topics on Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth and Planets: Mineralogy of Planetary Surfaces and Biosignatures

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

This Special Topics course series explores state-of-the-art principles, methods, and techniques within selected topics in DEEP research school themes. The course will give an introduction to the basics of how we can study mineralogy of extraterrestrial bodies and how to retrieve information on habitability and biosignature preservation potential from this. The course will address topics of Early Earth, Mars and C-type asteroids with the overarching question of how mineralogy of a planet can predetermine its habitable environment and ability to develop life and preserve biosignatures.

In general, the course includes:

  • short repetition of the topic relevant basics according to the selected course topic
  • in-depth theory of the course topic
  • overview of relevant methods and data, and can if relevant include practical (laboratory) work
  • detailed application scenarios
  • new developments in the field of the theme

Learning outcome

After completing the course, you will have a fundamental knowledge on mineralogy of surfaces of rocky planets and relation to biosignatures. You will

  • have learnt about mineralogy of Solar System bodies: terrestrial planets and asteroids
  • be familiar with methods (both laboratory studies on meteorites, analogues and mission-returned samples as well as remote sensing) used to study mineralogy of extraterrestrial bodies
  • understand the difference between habitability and existence of biosignatures as well as challenges in biosignature preservation and detection methods
  • have learnt about geologic and environmental conditions of Early Earth and geological record of life emergence
  • have learnt about main outcomes of current missions to Mars and asteroids
  • have practical experience from hands-on sessions with meteorites, rocks form early earth environments and relevant mineralogical analogues

Admission to the course

Open to PhD candidates enrolled in the Norwegian Research School for Dynamics and Evolution of Earth and Planets (DEEP) and, when places are available, to other (including international) students.?? Relevance of the PhD topic and applicants’ motivation to take the course will be assessed.

PhD candidates who are admitted to other education institutions than the University of Oslo must at the same time apply for visiting PhD status. They must submit the same documentation as regular visiting status applicants, but the application and documentation are to be delivered together with the online application form. DEEP can be contacted for questions. Applicants must be able to present original documentation on request.

Registration is done by filling out an online application form. The form will be made available through DEEP's web pages in due time prior to the course. The course has no participation fee. All national DEEP members will get travel and accommodation costs covered.

Only students admitted to the course may sit for the examination.


This is a 5 days long intensive course that will take place in Oslo. Approximately 40 hours, including 4 days of lectures + group discussions and 1 day of practicals + student presentations.

Candidates will be required to give a presentation during the course and, if needed, will receive suggestions of literature needed for its preparation. Course literature will be pre-selected and accessible to course participants in due time prior to the course.


  • A written assignment counts 100% towards the final grade. The project is to be submitted after the course and before a set deadline.

  • In order to sit the final exam, a mandatory presentation must be approved.

When writing your exercises?make sure to familiarize yourself with the?rules for use of sources and citations.?

Breach of these rules may lead to suspicion of?attempted cheating.

Language of examination

The examination text is given in English, and you submit your response in English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about?the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 3, 2024 7:40:27 AM

Facts about this course


This course is taught on an irregular basis.

The course is last held spring 2024


Examination is last held spring 2026

Teaching language