twostream code now available
The twostream code can now be downloaded ( to the left on this page). Here is what to do:
unzip the file. The following files are found in the twostream-folder
- two-stream-main2014.f is main program. Here the optical properties of the atmosphere etc. are defined.
- twostr.f is the twostream equation solver
- ErrPak.f contains error handling routines
- slimpak.f routines to solve a set of linear equations
- twostr.doc (note: text file not a word file!). Information about the twostream code.
To compile and link the code, use the command (note: one single line):
f95 two-stream-main2014.f twostr.f ErrPak.f slimpak.f R1MACH.f D1MACH.f -o prog
To run the program use the command
More details will be given on Wednesday 8 October.
Publisert 5. okt. 2014 23:51