
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
20.08.2008Einar Sagstuen? LilleFy? Introduction. Cell biology.? Sybesma Chp. 1, Chp. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

Kompendium will be handed out.?

22.08.2008Einar Sagstuen? Fysikk ?st ?467? Cell biology? Sybesma Chp. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 from p. 25, 2.4 og 2.5

Some pages (in Norwegian) on cell organization from another textbook is available here (7 MB)?

27.08.2007Einar Sagstuen? LilleFy? Atomic physics, bond theory? Sybesma Chp. 3.1, 3.2 to s. 52

2. part of the text-book compendium will be handed out?

29.08.2008Einar Sagstuen? Fysikk ?st ?467? Covalent bonds, hybridization? Sybesma remainder of Chp. 3.2, Chp. 2.3 pp. 20-25.

Two pdf-files on bonding and hybridization are available for download: 1) In Norwegian: Hybridization

2) In English: Hybridization and bonding


03.09.2008Kjell Tage ?hman? LilleFy? Amino acids, polypeptides, proteins? Sybesma Chp. 2.3 pp. 20-25, 4.1,?
05.09.2008Thormod Henriksen? Fysikk ?st ?467? DNA/RNA structure, replication? Sybesma Chp. 4.4?
10.09.2008Einar Sagstuen? LilleFy? DNA translation and transcription.Cell cyclus.? Sybesma Chp. 4.4 og 4.5?
12.09.2008Einar Sagstuen? Fysikk ?st ?467? X-diffraction? Sybesma Chp. 3.7

A compendium on ionizing radiation will be handed out ?

17.09.2008Einar Sagstuen? LilleFy? Ionizing radiation- radiation physics? Finishing X-diffraction og begins the radiation physics part.

Compendium in radiation (in Norwegian)

For the English-speaking students, written material will be distributed.

Useful reading (in Norwegian, strongly recommended) -

Str?ling og helse

V?r str?lende verden?

19.09.2008Einar Sagstuen? Fysikk ?st ?467? Radiation physics and chemistry? Text + answers for two simple exercises to the radiation physics part can be downloaded here (Norwegian) and here (English)?
24.09.2008Einar Sagstuen? LilleFy? Radiation chemistry and biology ? The full text (in Norwegian and in English) for Oblig 1 kan be downloaded here?
26.09.2008Einar Sagstuen? Fysikk ?st ?467? Ending the radiation biology lectures.? A compendium on EPR and NMR will be disseminated.

This file may also be downloaded here.??

01.10.2008Einar Sagstuen? LilleFy? Magnetic resonance, general? Sybesma Kap. 3.5

Lecture notes as a PowerPoint file can be downloaded here

REMEMBER!! :Submission of Oblig 1 not later than today at kl 1600.

Answers to OBLIG 1 can be downloaded here?

03.10.2008Einar Sagstuen? Fysikk ?st ?467? cw-NMR? Lecture notes as a PowerPoint file can be downloaded here


05.10.2008? ? ? No lectures this week - except for 1 hr. repetition of electronic structure/hybridization on Wed. 1015.

The power-point files for the nest two lectures may be downloaded here and here?

09.10.2008? ? ? Midterm exam kl 1500-1800

See StudentWeb for location?

15.10.2008Einar Sagstuen? LilleFy? FT-NMR og EPR spectroscopy? Lecture notes for the FT-NMR lecture can be downloaded here?
17.10.2008Einar Sagstuen? Fysikk ?st ?467? EPR? Lecture notes for the EPR lecture can be downloaded here?
22.10.2008Einar Sagstuen? LilleFy? Biophysical methods - UV-VIS spectroscopy? Sybesma Chp. 3.2 from p. 55, Chp. 33 to p. 68. ORD og CD is not mandatory reading. Chapter 3.4 pp 70+71.

A small compendium in photophysics may be downloaded as extra material.?

24.10.2008Einar Sagstuen? Fysikk ?st ?467? Biophysical methods - osmosis, centrifugation? Sybesma Chp. 3.6 to p. 93?
29.10.2008Dag Rune Olsen? LilleFy? Medical radiation therapy? The full text (Norwegian and English in the same document) for Oblig 2 can be downloaded here

The lecture for today can be downloaded as a power-point file here; ?

31.10.2008Einar Sagstuen? Fysikk ?st ?467? Sedimentation, enzyme kinetics? Sybesma, Chp. 3.6 from p. 93, Chp. 4.2?
05.11.2008Atle Bj?rnerud? Lillefy? MRI? Oblig 2 to be submitted no later than 1600 hours today.

Send it electronically to Einar Sagstuen, or put it in the FYS3710 input box at the Physics department office.

Answers to Oblig2 can be found here

The lecture notes for this and the next lecture may be downloaded here as a PowerPoint-file (ca 10 MB)?

07.11.2008Atle Bj?rnerud? Fysikk ?st ?467? MRI, continued? This lecture is cancelled due to illness. The lecture will be given later, when a suitable time has been found.?
12.11.2008Erik O. Pettersen? LilleFy? Genteknologi? A small compendium covering the material for these two lextures will be distributed, and can also be dowloaded here

In addition, Sybesma Chp. 4.3 and 4.6 is compulsory reading. ?

14.11.2008Erik O. Pettersen? Fysikk ?st ?467? Immunology? ?
17.11.2008? ? ? Laboratory exercises this week. No lectures.

The texts for the three lab. exercises may be downloaded from the links below:

EPR , Radiation Biology , Radiation Dosimetry?

21.11.2008Atle Bj?rnerud? Fysikk ?st ?467? MRI continued? The previously cancelled lecture is given now.?
26.11.2007Einar Sagstuen? LilleFy? Repetition? 2 lab-reports to be submitted no later than 1600 hours today!

If required from the students, some selected issues will be discussed during regular lecture hours (10-12). ?

01.12.2008? ? Final exam 0900 - 1200? Final exam for all with 2 accepted 'oblig' submissions and 2 accepted lab reports + having attended the midterm exam.

See StudentWeb eller exam for details about the exam.?

Publisert 18. aug. 2008 16:20 - Sist endret 20. nov. 2008 17:00