Teaching plan

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
19.08.2013 Morten Hjorth-Jensen (MHJ)  Lille Fysiske Auditorium (LFA)  Introduction to the course  Presentation of the course, with syllabus, examination form etc. Discussion of physical systems and wave functions for bosons and fermions. Lecture notes, Shavitt and Bartlett chapter 1, Raimes chapter 1 and Gross, Runge and Heinonen (GRH) chapter 1. 
21.08.2013 MHJ  LFA  Second quantization  We discuss systems of fermions and bosons, lecture notes, Shavitt and Bartlett chapter 3, Raimes chapter 2 
26.08.2013 MHJ  LFA  Second quantization  Wave functions for fermions and bosons, continuation from last week. Representation of operators in second quantization. Lecture notes, Shavitt and Bartlett chapter 3 and Raimes chapter 2 
28.08.2013 MHJ LFA  Second quantization  Continuation of previous lecture. 
      Exercises 1 and 2   
02.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Second quantization  We discuss the representation of quantum mechanical operators in the second quantization representation. We start also discussing Wick's theorem. 
04.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Matrix elements and Wick's theorem  We introduce Wick's theorem and how to simplify calculations of expectation values. We discuss also a diagrammatic representation of operators. We start also discussion the particle-hole representation. Lecture notes, Shavitt and Bartlett chapter 3.1-3.6 and 4.1-4.4 and Raimes appendix VII. 
      Exercises 3, 4 and 5   
09.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Wick's theorem and diagrammatic representation of matrix elements  Lecture notes, Shavitt and Bartlett chapter 4 and Raimes chapter 7. We discuss also the particle-hole representation of operators. 
11.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Diagrammatic representation of matrix elements  We discuss also how to represent the kinetic energy and density operators in a diagrammatic form. Lecture notes, Shavitt and Bartlett chapter 4 and Raimes chapter 7. 
      Exercises 6 and 7  
16.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Diagrams and quantum mechanical expectation values  Lecture notes and Shavitt and Bartlett chapters 4.1-4-4 for the diagrammatic representation. 
18.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Diagrams and Hartree-Fock theory  Lecture notes for the Hartree-Fock approach, Shavitt and Bartlett chapters 4.1-4-4 for the diagrammatic representation.  
      Exercises 8-11  For exercise 11, the computation of the three-body term is optional.  
23.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Hartree-Fock theory and Thouless' theorem  Lecture notes 
25.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Stability of Hartree-Fock equations  Lecture notes. 
      Exercises 12, 13 a, b and c   
30.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Summary of Hartree-Fock theory and the electron gas.  Lecture notes. We will discuss the stability of the Hartree-Fock equations and Koopman's theorem. We present also the classical example of Hartree-Fock theory, the so-called electron gas. 
02.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Electron gas and configuration interaction theory  Lecture notes. We continue our discussion of the electron gas and start with configuration interaction theory. 
      Exercises 14, 16 and 18   
07.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Configuration interaction theory and presentation of midterm exam  Lecture notes. We continue our discussion of configuration interaction theories. 
09.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Discussion of project 1 Work on project 1
14.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  CI theory, final part  Lecture notes 
16.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Resume CI and begin perturbation theory  Lecture notes 
      Exercises  Finalize exercise 18 and exercise 19. The exercises will be solved on the blackboard since the electron gas results will be used later in our discussion of density functional theory. 
21.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Many-body perturbation theory  Lecture notes and Shavitt and Bartlett chapters 2 and 5. Derivation of Brillouin-Wigner and Rayleigh-Schroedinger perturbation theory. Definition of model spaces. 
23.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Many-body perturbation theory  Derivation of Brillouin-Wigner and Rayleigh-Schroedinger perturbation theory. 
      End of exercise 19.   
28.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Many-body perturbation theory  Diagram rules and their derivations, with various examples. 
30.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Many-body perturbation theory  Diagrams and their corresponding rules with examples.  
      Exercises 24, 25 and 28   
04.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Many-body perturbation theory  Lecture notes, Shavitt and Bartlett chapter 5-6 and Raimes 7-9 Discussion of time-dependent theory, adiabatic hypothesis and Goldstone's linked diagram theorem. 
06.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Many-body perturbation theory  Lecture notes, Shavitt and Bartlett chapter 5-6 and Raimes 7-9. Discussion of time-dependent perturbation theory, Goldstone's theorem, Wick's theorem for time-dependent products and Gell-Mann and Low's theorem. 
      Exercises 26 and 30   
11.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Summary of Many-body perturbation theory and begin Coupled cluster theory   
13.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Coupled cluster theory  Lecture notes and chpater 9 of Shavitt and Bartlett 
      Exercises 31 a, b, c, and d   
18.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Coupled-cluster theory   Lecture notes and Shavitt and Bartlett chapters 9 and 10. 
20.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Coupled-cluster theory    
25.11.2013 MHJ LFA Density functional theory  
27.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Density functional theory  and summary. Lecture notes 
xx.12.2013 Final oral exam      Best wishes to you all! 
Published July 16, 2013 11:43 AM - Last modified July 16, 2013 5:05 PM