
Publisert 21. nov. 2012 19:14

The final exam in MENA3200 will be arranged on December 3 and 4. Further information regarding time and loaction will be available in StudentWeb on Monday November 26.

Publisert 14. nov. 2012 11:47

Today's lecture - the last one in the course - starts 12.15. The slides are uploaded, but I will also bring handouts.


Publisert 11. nov. 2012 20:20

Hi all,

the final lecture in MENA3200 will be this Wednesday the 14th. The time will be back to the normal 12.15! The theme is battery materials. The powerpoint slides for this will be made available.


Publisert 8. nov. 2012 00:49

Dear all,

The third lecture powerpoint from me is now uploaded. Moreover, the two first have been re-uploded with some minor corrections.

The final lecture, on November 14th, will be on batteries, and is rescheduled back to start at 12.15.


Publisert 4. nov. 2012 22:37

Hi all,

here are some important messages:

1. The exam will be as follows: 5 minutes examination in each of the three main topics; Photovoltaics, Hydrogen storage, and fuel cells (electrochemical energy conversion). And 10 minutes discussion about your project. The three topics, the project, and the discussion about it all count 20% (1/5) each. In other words, the project in total counts 40% (2/5).

2. The remaining teaching will be on the two following Wednesdays November 7th and 14th. NOTE: Both days, the teaching will be 14.15-16.00 in the seminar room on 3rd floor.

3. I still plan to come to the room on 4th floor at 12.15-13.00 and be available for anyone who needs a recap or advice on the project.

4. Last Wednesday we went further into the electrical properties of and requirements for materials for fuel cells. I distributed handouts of the lecture slides from this and the previous Wednesdays. Both slide sets are also uploaded on the semes...

Publisert 24. okt. 2012 12:37

Hei, alle,

i dag onsdag 24/10 kl. 12.15 starter mine forelesninger. Vi skal s?vidt komme igang med elektrokjemisk energikonvertering og materialer for dette.

Og vi skal snakke mye om prosjektet deres. Jeg har lagt ut liste med forslag til titler p? semestersiden.

Jeg har lagt ut forel?pig versjon av noen slides jeg skal bruke i dag, samt to kapitler "l?rebok". Jeg foresl?r at dere ikke laster ned disse enda, men avventer nye versjoner i l?pet av helgen.

Konsentrer dere denne uken om ? komme i gang med prosjektet, s? last gjerne ned prosjektlisten. jeg tar med og deler ogs? ut p? forelesningen.


Publisert 30. aug. 2012 16:04

Hei alle p? MENA3200! Her er litt om undervisningen denne h?sten (som avviker litt fra planen som st?r under "Tid og sted"):

Bj?rn Hauback foreleser om solcellematerialer 22/8, 29/8 og 5/9.

12/9 og 19/9 er det ikke undervisning.

Bj?rn Hauback foreleser om hydrogenlagringsmaterialer 26/9, 3/10 og 17/10

(10/10 er det midtsemestereksamen og ikke undervisning).

Truls Norby foreleser om brenselcellematerialer 24/10, 31/10 og 7/11.

Hilsen Bj?rn og Truls