Plans for the week of March 4-8


Dear all, the plans for this week are

  1. RNNs and discussion of Long-Short-Term memory, see slides this week as jupyter-notebook

  2. Discussion of specific examples relevant for project 1, see project from last year by Daniel and Keran. Link here to an external site.

  3. Start discussion of Autoencoders (AEs) if we get time.

Reading recommendations

  1. For RNNs see Goodfellow et al chapter 10.

  2. For AEs, see chapter 14 of same book

  3. Reading suggestions for implementation of RNNs in PyTorch: Rashcka et al's text, chapter 15

  4. Reading suggestions for implementation of RNNs in TensorFlow: Aurelien Geron's chapter 14Links to an external site..

We remind you that we do also have lab sessions on Thursdays 215-4pm at room F?397


Bets wishes to you all,

Keran, Morten, and Ruben

Publisert 5. mars 2024 06:43 - Sist endret 5. mars 2024 06:43