Plans for the week of April 8-12

Dear all, welcome back to FYS5429. This week we will try to wrap up our discussions of Boltzmann machines (our first encounter with generative models).  Our plans are to discuss 

Generative methods: energy models and Boltzmann machines.

  1. Restricted Boltzmann machines, reminder from last week

  2. Reminder on Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Gibbs sampling

  3. Discussions of various Boltzmann machines, RBMs, deep belief networks and deep Boltzmann machines

  4. Implementation of Boltzmann machines using TensorFlow and Pytorch, discussion of codes

  5. Reading recommendation: Goodfellow et al chapters 18.1-18.2, 20.1-20-7; To create Boltzmann machine using Keras, see Babcock and Bali chapter 4, see

  6. See also Foster, chapter 7 on energy-based models at

We will also discuss briefly alternatives for project 2. We have also our regular lab session on Thursday at 215pm-4pm.

The slides for this week are at

Best wishes to you all,

Keran, Morten and Ruben

Publisert 8. apr. 2024 08:24 - Sist endret 8. apr. 2024 08:24