Plans for the week February 5-9

Dear all and welcome back to FYS5429. We hope you've had a great weekend.

Two important messages first. Since I (=Morten)  am  away in the US for a short research stay Feb 4-14, the lectures tomorrow (Tuesday Feb 6) and next Tuesday (Feb 13) will be via zoom only.  The plan this week is to wrap up ( I have been slow here) the discussion on the mathematics of neural networks and links with automatic differentiation.  We will discuss code examples as well. The jupyter-notebook at contains most of the information.

There will be some minor code additions during the day today (note all code examples are yet ready).

The hope is to get started with the basics of CNNs as well and use more time next week and the week thereafter on CNNs.

So, lectures tomorrow and next Tuesday are via zoom only. And the plans are


Overview of fourth week, February 5-9

  1. Review of neural networks and automatic differentiation

  2. Discussion of codes

  3. Start discussing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).


Reading recommendations

  1. Rashkca et al., chapter 11, jupyter-notebook sent separately, from GitHub

  2. Goodfellow et al, chapter 6 and 7 contain most of the neural network background.

  3. For CNNs, Goodfellow etal chapter 9 and Rashcka et al., chapter 14

Best wishes to you all,

Keran, Morten and Ruben.


p.s. we are also planning to offer some lab times from next week and on, in addition to the lectures. We are searching for available rooms (not an easy task).


Publisert 5. feb. 2024 12:31 - Sist endret 5. feb. 2024 12:31