Plans for the week of April 22-26
Dear all, this week we will try to wrap up our discussions on the phase estimation algorithm and how to find eigenvalues as well as other algorithms that use Fourier transforms.
Project 2 is now also ready (please let us know if you spot typos, inconsistencies and more). It contains three variants. The first variant deals with the implementation of the QFTs and the phase estimation algorithm and follows to a large extent sections 6.2-6.4 of Hundt's text. The other two variants are more tailored to those of you who are familiar with machine learning and can be combined with project 2 in the courses FYS4411 and FYS5429. They require that you are familiar with say generative methods.
The QFT variant has an optional exercise which deals with the implementation of Shor's algorithm, this is covered by sections 6.5 and 6.6 of Hundt.
This part is entirely optional.
We opted for June 7 as deadline for the second project, hopefully it should be enough time.
I was also not satisfied with the recording I made for last week's lecture and will try to rework it either today or tomorrow.
The main readings fro this week are in Hundt's text, see sections 6.4-6.6.
If you wish to have an alternative read, the classic text of Nielsen and Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, see chapter 5, contains a lot of the formalism we cover this week.
Best wishes to you all,
Keran, Morten and Ruben