Project description and plans for the weeks March 13-24

Dear all,
I promised to have the project description ready by Wednesday (March 15) this week. I was however delayed and I would need at least one more day to finalize it. I will post it online either Saturday or Sunday, together with the lecture notes for next week as well.
However, since we will simulate the Lipkin model discussed last Monday 9March 13), see and the video at,
I would like to propose that when you all meet today for project work at 12pm, that you try first to see that you agree with  equations 27 and 31. Furthermore, show that you can rewrite the Hamiltonian for the J=1 case as equation 40. This is the equation we will start to simulate. In the above jupyter -notebook you will see how Equation 40 is simulated using qiskit.
The project will start with such simpler Hamiltonians and use qiskit in order to perform the simulation.
However, after we have done that, we will write our own setup of the network which simulates the calculations of these hamiltonians. We will discuss this on Monday (March 20) this coming week and the week thereafter as well (March 27).

I would therefore like to suggest that you first get used to how to run these simulations with qiskit and how to set up the Hamiltonian in terms of pauli spin matrices and identity matrices.
We will follow closely the next two weeks the article in We will discuss this and more the coming two weeks.



Publisert 16. mars 2023 11:45 - Sist endret 16. mars 2023 11:45