Homework exercises : These are …

Homework exercises: These are central to the development of the material, but are probably more demanding than you are used to from previous courses at this institution. Even a failed attempt at doing them will greatly enhance your appreciation of the subtlety of the subject, and as we discuss their solutions in the Monday colloquia (10:15 - 12:00) they will deepen your understanding of quantum field theory. There is absolutely no substitute for actually doing, or trying to do, the exercises! This is the only way to fully activate your wetware.

Monday 11.02.2008: Exercise 6.3 (p.210 in textbook)

Monday 25.02.2008: Excercise 7.2 (p. 257 in textbook)

Publisert 5. feb. 2008 12:10 - Sist endret 6. mai 2008 12:56