Final exam: Oral examination at …
Final exam: Oral examination at a time to be determined. Letter grade. (Pass/fail for FYS 9120.)
Curriculum: All material covered in the lectures. These will cover as much as possible of the un-starred material in Chapters 6-20 in the textbook: M.E. Peskin and D.V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. A more detailed list will be compiled as we go along, starting now. The numbers refer to (sub-)chapters in the textbook:
( o = orientation material = background reading = useful, but not exam relevant)
( l = lectured, and therefore exam relevant)
- Week 3: Organizational meeting
- Week 4: General introduction to QFT; Interactions in the Lagrangian formalism and loop corrections (6.1(o))
- Week 5: Formal structure of the electron vertex function in QED (symmetry constraints) (6.2(l))
- Week 6: Calculation of vertex function in QED: Feynman parametrization; Divergences; Wick rotation; Regularization; g-2 (6.3(l)); Infrared divergences (6.4(o/l))
Monday 11.02.2008: Homework exercise 6.3 (p.210 in textbook) discussed.
- Week 7: Field strength renormalization; Spectral functions; Electron self-energy (7.1(l)); LSZ reduction (7.2(l)); Optical theorem (7.3(l)) (Symmetry constraints on quantum processes (Ward identities) will be done in the functional formalism (Chapter 9).)
Monday 18.02.2008: Homework excercises 7.2, 7.3 (p. 257-258 in textbook) discussed.
- Week 8: Charge renormalization; Dimensional regularization; Running coupling constants (7.5(l)); Path integral quantization (9.1(l))
- Week 9: Chapter 8(o) is important background reading; Functional integrals (9.2-5(l))
- Week 10: Symmetries in the functional formalism: Equations of motion; Conservation Laws; Ward identities (9.6(l))
Publisert 5. feb. 2008 10:53
- Sist endret 6. mai 2008 12:56