
Publisert 30. aug. 2021 15:56


I just learnt that my children tested positive for Covid-19 this afternoon. Even if I am fully vaccinated I do not think it's a good idea to go to the lab with you tomorrow. Thomas who could have helped you to do the lab had his second dose of Moderna today and we are afraid he will be indisposed tomorrow. I therefore think it is best to postpone the lab. I am not able to finish other teaching on such short notice (I have to finish other teaching material for tomorrow) so I will therefore cancel the teaching tomorrow. I'll get back either with zoom teaching or in room 414 on Wednesday.


Dag Kristian

Publisert 27. aug. 2021 14:53

Tuesday we will do lab work, but you may want to read some about Brownian motion beforehand:

Publisert 23. aug. 2021 12:57

Welcome to the course FYS4715 Biological Physics.

The first lecture will be in room FV 414 at 10:15 on Tue 24 August.

See you there!

Dag Kristian