
Vi skal bruke f?lgende b?ker / We will use the following books:

Main textbook for the pensum: H. L. Pécseli, Waves and Oscillations in Plasmas,  CRC Press (Boca Raton 2013)

Additional book(s): F. F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Plenum Press (New York 1984) other introductory books to plasma physics.

Det er ikke n?dvendig ? kj?pe disse b?kene, og det vil v?re nok med kursnotater, men det kan v?re lurt ? ha disse b?kene for selvstudium.


It is not necessary to buy these books, as it should be enough with lecture notes. However, these books will be very useful to have for self-study.



Publisert 18. aug. 2017 18:20 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2017 18:20