Information about the exams

The examination in FYS4620 Introduction to Plasma Physics consists of three parts:
1) The obligatory exercise (15% of the final grade): Deadline for submitting the report is 6. November
2) Mid-term oral exam (20% of the final grade): 31 October and 1 November 8:30-12:00
3) Final oral exam (65% of the final grade): 3/4 December

Below you will find all information regarding the exams:


1) Obligatory exercise
You will find the obligatory exercise under this link: obligatory exercise
It is strongly encouraged that you work on the exercise in pairs or even as the whole group. 
However, each of you should write your own report.
You have 3 weeks for completing this exercise. 
The deadline for submission is 6 November.
You have to submit your report by sending it to the following email: w.j.miloch[at]

2) Mid-term exam
The mid-term exam is an oral exam.
Time and date: 31 October and 1 November between 8:30-12:00 (both days).
A) 8:30-9:10 
B) 9:10-9:50
C) 9:50-10:40
D) 10:40-11:20
E) 11:20-12:00

Please let us know if there are any timeslots that DO NOT fit your calendar on either of days. 
You can also choose up to three timeslots of your preference.
Send an email to:  w.j.miloch[at]

The pensum for the midterm exam is:

(from the main textbook Waves and Oscillations in Plasmas by H.L. Pécseli):

A)"Basics of continuum models" - Chapter 2
Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.4.1,2.5
That is all from the beginning and including Section 2.5, but not the part on "Heat capacities".

B) "Single particle motion" - Chapter 7
The whole chapter, but NOT: Finite Larmor radius corrections, Larmor's theorem, Radiation losses, Dessler-Parker relations.

C) "Basic plasma parameters" - Chapter 8
Sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3,,, 8.4.2, 8.7, 8.7.1, 8.8, 8.8.1
That means the whole chapter excluding: Nonlinear Debye shielding, Center-of-mass dynamics, and all from Collisions in electric and magnetic fields and onwards. Sections: Interaction energy, Evacuation of the Debye sphere, Shielding in two spatial dimensions are not included neither, but if you know them it will be a bonus!

D) MHD- Chapter 10
The whole chapter EXCLUDING: Virial theorem (10.2.1), Force free fields (10.3.4), Thin pinch (, Solar wind (10.4.1). Electron MHD (10.7) is not included, but it will be fine if you can remember something for a bonus!


3) Final exam

The final exam is planned tentatively for week 49: Monday or Tuesday (4 or 5th of December).
Please let us know if you have any exams planned for that week. We can still adjust it slightly.

Publisert 15. okt. 2017 12:54 - Sist endret 23. okt. 2017 13:42