Welcome to FYS4515B!

Dear all, 

Welcome to the course FYS4515B! Note that I will use Canvas for messages etc. and all the course content will be there as well. 

We start tomorrow with the first lecture at 14:15 in seminar room ?358. 

In preparation for the hands-on exercises and projects, it would be great if you can install the Oslo-method software from the Github. In particular, we will use the code 'robin.f' this week to estimate level-density parameters for various nuclei.

Later in the course you will also have the option to use the Root data analysis software from CERN. We will mainly use it for plotting, so if you prefer to use e.g. Python instead, that's perfectly fine - but then you will need to write the scripts for plotting yourself. If you are a Mac user, the simplest is probably to install it via Homebrew. You can also get Root from CERN's page.

Looking forward to see you all tomorrow! ?

All the best,


Publisert 9. okt. 2023 20:52 - Sist endret 9. okt. 2023 20:52