Plans for week 35

Dear all, we hope this week started the best possible for all of you.

Here are some updates for this week (week 35).  On Thursday we plan to finalize the calculations of expectation values for fermionic systems. Parts of this material is covered by the lectures from last week, see for example the slides from last week at (from slide 68, Ground state energy as header).

Thereafter (Friday most likely), we move into our first encounter of second quantization. The material is covered by this week's slides at for example or as a pdf file at

Our second exercise set, to be discussed on Friday is available at


The reading suggestions are, in addition to the abovementioned slides,  from Szabo and Ostlund's textbook, see in particular chapters 1 and  2, see the book at


Best wishes to you all and see you soon again,

Morten and Ruben

Publisert 29. aug. 2024 07:03 - Sist endret 29. aug. 2024 07:07