Week 35, August 29-September 2

This week we discuss the calculation of expectation values of one-body and two-body operators using what is called first quantization. This material will be the topic for Thursday's lecture (September 1). This topic will also serve as a motivation for introducing second quantization, which we start with on Friday. 

The material is covered by the lecture notes at https://manybodyphysics.github.io/FYS4480/doc/pub/secondquant/html/secondquant-bs.html. 

The material during the first two weeks (August 22-September 2) is well covered by chapters 1 and 2 of Szabo and ?stlund, see https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Literature/szaboostlund.pdf.


As a reminder, the lectures are recorded and you will find the link to the lectures at this site under schedule and also at the jupyter-book of the lectures and the readme file of the main github site of the course, see https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480

On Friday we discuss also the first exercise set from 815am-10am. The first exercise set is available at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/Exercises/2022.

Publisert 1. sep. 2022 06:21 - Sist endret 1. sep. 2022 06:21