On Friday August we start at 1015

Dear all, we will use Fridays first two hours for discussing exercises.

However, since this is the first week, there are no exercises and we start with a regular lecture at 10.15. The video from yesterday's lecture is at https://youtu.be/ScHgSRCmq-0, with subtitles.

If you cannot attend in person, the zoom link is 

Topic: FYS4480 Lectures
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 964 9859 8694
Passcode: 498901

All lectures will be recorded and posted after the lectures. The handwritten notes are at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/HandwrittenNotes/2022

All material from the lectures and pertinent to the lectures is at the Github address of course, https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480

I am currently making an update of the material and after the weekend there should also be a jupyter-book with all material to be discussed this semester. I will mail you as soon as it is ready. At present we are using the material at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/secondquant

Best wishes to you all.


Publisert 26. aug. 2022 06:25 - Sist endret 26. aug. 2022 06:25