
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
24.01.2006AMS? FV414A? Introduction and overview? intro1.ppt, Probability theory, Random variables?
31.01.2006AMS? FV414A? Random walks? Random walks?
07.02.2006AMS? FV414A? Percolation? 1d percolation?
14.02.2006AMS? FV414A? Percolation? Bethe lattice?
21.02.2006AMS? FV414A? Percolation? 2d percolation?
22.02.2006? ? OBLIG 1? Random walks?
28.02.2006AMS? FV414A? Percolation? Cluster geometry?
07.03.2006AMS? FV414A? Percolation? Cluster geometry?
14.03.2006AMS? FV414A? Percolation? Finite size scaling?
21.03.2006? ? No teaching this week? ?
28.03.2006AMS? FV414A? Percolation? Finite size scaling?
04.04.2006AMS? FV414A? Percolation? Renormalization?
05.04.2006? ? OBLIG 2? Finite size scaling?
18.04.2006AMS? FV414A? Percolation? Subset geometry?
25.04.2006AMS? FV414A? Percolation? Subset geometries?
02.05.2006AMS? FV414A? Disordered media? Flow?
09.05.2006AMS? FV414A? Disordered media? Flux distribution and multi-fractals?
16.05.2006AMS? FV414A? Disordered media? Elasticity and diffusion?
19.05.2006? ? OBLIG 3? ?
23.05.2006AMS? FV414A? Disordered media? Dynamic processes (diffusion fronts and invasion percolation)?
Publisert 10. jan. 2006 11:39 - Sist endret 11. mai 2006 15:27