Weekly plans and update for week 3

Due to the present covid-19 situation in the municipality of Oslo and present restrictions, we have to stay with digital labs and lectures another two weeks till new information is available.
Note that we have a made a change of lecture hall (Lille fys auditorium ) and lab session room (F?434). These rooms have larger capacities and as soon as some of the restrictions are loosened, we may hopefully meet in person.

Last week we startet with variational Monte Carlo methods and looked at specific equations we will need in order to work with project 1. 
This week we will go in more details on how to build a VMC code as well as discussing the Metropolis algorithm and Markov Chains (a topic not all of you are familiar with). 
In our discussions on how to build an efficient VMC program, we will use as an example an excellent layout by a former Comp Physics student, now PhD student in computational quantum chemistry,  Morten Ledum.
We will discuss the codes both during the coming lectures and at the lab sessions. The github link is at

Else, we remind you that you can  find the educational material at the github address
and for an easy overview at

See you soon and best wishes to you all. Stay healthy.

Morten and ?yvind

Published Jan. 21, 2021 7:35 AM - Last modified Jan. 21, 2021 7:35 AM