
Publisert 21. aug. 2020 09:07

A supplementary book by Carter and Williams has now been linked to on this page.

All of the books can be accessed as e-books through the UiO library. Note, paper versions can be ordered for ~25 euro via MyCopy (link on the e-book front webpage).

Publisert 21. aug. 2020 09:00

On Monday the lecture will be live in K.B. auditory. I will give you an introduction to TEM and focus on the construction of the TEM. On Wed. I have booked the JEOL2100F microscope from 12-17 and you will have the opportunity (1 h pr. group of maximum 2 students) to have a closer look and get a short demonstration of the instrument. The first ~15 min will be used to give you local HMS instructions by Ole Bj?rn Karlsen. The groups will be arranged on Monday. Contact me If you can't attend om Monday but would like to come along on Wed.

Publisert 16. aug. 2020 10:44

Tomorrow on Monday 17th of August the plan is to meet physically in Kristian Birkelands auditorium to give you an introduction to the course, get information about your background/knowledge, and plans (to become a TEM operator or not) and for you to meet in person before we see each other on zoom.  

It is likely that we will have a large part of our lectures and maybe also lab/demonstrations on zoom. During this summer we started to get prepared for a situation where you could not be in the lab and on the instruments as we normally are and have made instruction movies and recordings that we will use as part of this course. However, we will try to plan for some presence at the TEM instruments, and will get you prepared for this option.

See you on Monday!
