Welcome to FYS4260/FYS9260

The course will start with the first two lecture hours Tuesday Jan 16th at 12:15-14:00 in FY Seminarrom ?257.

The first hour lecture will give an introduction to the course topic and objectives. The second hour lecture will introduce the mandatory lab project, where you get to design and produce your own printed circuit board. A preliminary course schedule will also be presented. Predominantly, lectures will be given Tuesday 12:15-14:00 whereas Thursdays will be devoted to lab project activities.

Thursday Jan 18th at 14:15 in FY Seminarrom ?257, ELAB will give more details on lab project alternatives.

Best wishes, Frode Strisland, course responsible


Published Jan. 9, 2018 7:11 PM - Last modified Jan. 9, 2018 7:11 PM